Squatting Versus Sitting - Why Squatting Is Better
The following article on squatting versus sitting is written by Ross Horne. You can read the full article in his book Cancerproof Your Body.
Squatting is the easiest, most natural and healthiest position for defecation. (It is also the most natural position for giving birth.)
One reason for the chronic constipation among Western populations is the use of the pedestal (sitting) toilet.
Population groups which traditionally use floor-level toilets, and those who use the great outdoors, do not suffer constipation like Westerners do.
The plumbing of the human anatomy is arranged to work in the squatting position.
When a person squats to defecate, the recto-anal angle at the end of the anal canal straightens out to permit easy evacuation. If a person sits, the sharper recto-anal angle forms a constriction and so pressure is required to force the contents of the bowel though it (see diagram).

Other problems associated with constipation, such as haemorrhoids, prostate inflammation, cystitis, backaches and incontinence, are also avoided or relieved by adoption of the squatting position.
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Wow I'm not weird! Not rated yet
Hello to all,
I'm J, a twenty nine year old male from Atlanta, GA. For the past twenty nine years as far as I can remember, I have alway's squatted …
13 Months of Squatting Not rated yet
Hi there!
It's now October 2009. In September last year I read Ross Horne's book "Cancerproof Your Body", which completely changed my outlook and behavior …
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