Prostate problems and Tumeric/Capsacin

by Mike
(Detroit, Michigan, USA)

I've observed that if I eat a diet of more curry dishes with hot chillis as in Vindaloo or eat any hot chilly based foods, my PSA level goes down very quickly.

It seems that Asian countries have a relatively lower incidence of prostate problems, so it may relate to what they eat.

I believe that there's correlation here somewhere. It may be Tumeric and/or Capsacin in the chillies that are responsible.

It's time for some serious research into this theory.

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Nov 14, 2013
Prostate problems - curry, tumeric and toilet posture
by: Anonymous

This is interesting, ie: the possible link between consumption of curry and prostate problems.

In India, most of the population do eat lots of curry and spicy foods. And they also squat for waste elimination.

Two (curry and correct toilet posture) is a powerful combination and offer great protection against prostate problems.

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