Mr Claudio Voarino

by Claudio Voarino
(Cleve - South Australia)

I agree that the Western types of toilets can cause colon cancer. Only an ignorant person, or somebody who manufactures or sells Western-style toilets, can ridicule your article on this subject!

However, I think the major cause of colon cancer is nutritional in nature. That is, most Western people eat far too much animal flesh and gulps down too much cows' milk; and these two common, but very bad nutritional habits, greatly contrast with our anatomical and physiological characteristics!

I very much doubt doubt vegans get bowel cancer!

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Feb 26, 2016
Nutritional in Nature? Maybe Not..
by: Anonymous

You obviously haven't read this article, found here:
I've read others too, on various websites that make the same interesting observations regarding the relationship between colon cancer and diets.

Here's another one, which also discusses other diseases of the colon and the significance or lack thereof, the part the various culture's diets play in them:

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