Its Really Not That Simple
by Lucy
Crohns Disease is an autoimmune disease and its certainly not determined by the posture of defecation.
If only it was that simple. Sufferers of Crohns Disease have an immune system that has turned on itself.
In fact, its being too efficient, it believes the bowel has an infection and the body's response is to send its counter measure of antibodies to attack this non existent infection. Hence the inflammation and sores.
This story does not explain how by not adopting a squatting position, can affect the whole digestive system and cause mouth ulcers, joint pain, inability to absorb nutrients and a whole host other ailments associated with the disease.
The only difference being with sitting on a toilet seat is, we rarely tend to poop on our feet or miss the pan.
And, many, many times I have had to use natures toilet, which allows squatting only!
The small and large bowel is naturally extended downwards, so would remain so in sitting as with squatting, the only difference is the positioning of the legs.
And seeing as waste only comes from the bowel, its hard to see how having straight legs and bended knees could be such a simple remedy for such a distressing condition.
Believe me, I know, because I suffer from the condition. Conversely, if this is such a wonderful revelation, why is it that all westerners do not suffer from the condition?
The act of squatting is, in itself, fraught with too many unhealthy outcomes. Human waste is invariably never contained in the pot.
When I was a child in the 70's, I used to go abroad, a lot, and one thing that sticks in my mind, was the state of the toilets.
They were effectively, just a hole in the ground with 2 wooden blocks for the feet, either side of the hole. The mess was unbelievable, as was the stench.
Crohns Disease has absolutely nothing to do with an individual's preferred method of sitting instead of squatting.
The idea I would have to squat fills me with more anxiety than the condition itself.
People who have Crohns Disease or Ulcerative Colitis would have neither the time nor the inclination to, remove clothing out of the way, position themselves correctly, and then squat being careful with aim, before defecating.
It would cause unnecesary anxiety and would prove more troublesome than the condition itself.
I say this because I have dealt with the condition for the 14 years, and would say to someone that doesn't have it, 'imagine having gastroenteritis or a stomach bug everyday of your life, and the immense force and pressure that comes with needing this type of bowel movement is uncontrollable and tremendous, and this can occur at anytime throughout the day and night.
On a good day, maybe 5 or 6 times. Now tell me you would have time to use a squatting toilet without making a complete mess of your clothes and the floor.
That is the reality of having Crohns Disease and its nothing to do with how we sit!